Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hook a Fish, Catch a Mountain-Jean Craighead George

This is a terrific book. It's all environmental and fishing, normally not something I'd go in for. But the library keeps books on a shelf near the door and for a ten to twenty five cent "donation" *winkwink* you can take one home with you. Over the years I've collected beaten up Maggie Shayne vampire books, copies of Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters books, a copy of my beloved "Touch Not the Cat" by Mary Stewart and a copy of the slightly difficult to find Shad Run by apparently Howard Breslin. And like a good girl I always keep my eye out for books for the rest of my family. Louis L'Amours and Ralph Comptons and other westerns for Bis Sis Liz, Jonathan and Faye Kellermans among other mystery and romance writers for mom. And then there's Alan, baby brother (well not so baby any more, his High School graduation is on Saturday). He's not a big reader. Sure he rereads the Harry Potter books over and over again. He borrowed by three-in-one copy of the Lord of the Rings trilogy then fell asleep on it and drooled all over it, causing me to grab from aforementioned shelves all three as well as The Hobbit, all in the same edition from the same publisher, my OCD was very happy.
So a few months ago when a book by an author I knew he used to like showed up I ran out of there with that book so fast I think I left skip marks. He didn't want it. Like I said not a big reader.
My mom on the other hand remembered the woman's work from when she was a kid. She wanted the book so I gave it to her. I'm a sci-fi, fantasy vamps, weres, and Vladmar kind of girl I gave the book up with out a fuss. At least it had a good home where it could be read to death then put on a shelf for future generations to destroy.
Then tonight I realized I had *gasp* nothing to read, so I stole it from my mom's computer desk in the dining room. It took me only a few hours to finish. Not because it's a fairly simple children/ early teens book. I finished it quickly because it was amazingly good.
It's about a girl Spinner, who is a ballet dancer on a fishing trip with her father's family. They have a metal that goes to the person with the family record for biggest trout.
The entire first chapter is Spinner catching a giant cutthroat. It's huge. Her father rather than allowing her to release the fish as she had promised it he would as she reeled it in, he takes it to be mounted.
The next morning her cousin Al decides to find out why after so many years of no cutthroat trout being caught in that area there suddenly was one. The rest of the book is the two of them traipsing all over a mountain trying to find the answers to the mystery of FISH (what spinner called her trout as she was catching him).
An excellent story, which my mom has informed me she really wants Alan to read at camp this summer. (Every year we rent this cabin, and take a ton of books and read for days, well mom and alan fish but I just catch some crayfish do some swimming and lie on the dock or in bed and read until my eyes fall out. I go through a lot of AA batteries.)
I've read a lot of this woman's work I stopped because she killed one of my favorite characters, a hawk in another series. I think I might start again.

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