Tuesday, March 06, 2007

King Solomon's Mines- H. Rider Haggard

Yes, Mother, I know I just got it in the mail yesterday. (I LOVE Wal-Mart online;) I've also only read about 30 pages of tiny tiny print. But WOW.
This guy, according to the back of my paperback copy that cost me a total of $4.16, made a a bet with someone that he could write a better adventure story than Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. Once I finish this and get Mom to finish with my got-it-in-a-library-sale copy of T.I., I'll be sure to give my opinion on which is better.
I've tried T.I. before and was a little bored by it so the early favorite is Solomon.... Sorry, Robbie.
* I finished KSM in less than twenty-four hours and have just started TI. So, tomorrow I should be done with that.
KSM is very very good. From elephant hunts to psycho tribal witches it's lots of fun.

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